
Diabetes Label

It’s hard not to feel like you’re failing at some point when living with Type 1 Diabetes. Whether it’s a missed bolus, high or low blood sugar, or just public stigma, diabetes can make you feel unsuccessful.

I logged into my hospital’s patient portal today and happened to notice this at the top of my report, from my latest endocrinologist appointment.

Well controlled. Well controlled? Me? I have a 7.1 A1c. Do a quick search on google and you’ll find plenty of people who only think something starting with a “5” is good.

A level of 7.1 equates to about a 157 blood sugar average. And, in my opinion, that’s not horrible! Not only do I deal with Type 1 Diabetes but Rheumatoid Arthritis as well. Pain, stress, inflammation, and a flurry of medications all mess with my blood sugar. Not to mention trying to maintain an acceptable blood sugar just dealing with LIFE.

So, well controlled? I will gladly accept that diabetes label.