
Triple Digits in my 2,016 miles in 2016 challenge!

I’ve reached triple digits in my 2,016 miles in 2016 challenge! This week was especially hard. With a nasty blizzard on it’s way, my joints were angry all week in anticipation. I rejoined the gym and was able to use my favorite machine, the Arc Trainer, which is much more gentle on my joints than walking or doing other cardio exercises. If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis or any joint issues, I highly recommend giving it a try.

The other hurdle I’m trying to deal with is my blood sugars plummeting while I exercise. My endo gave me a lot of suggestions on when to start temp basals on my pump, what to eat, etc. but this week was still bumpy. Even after eating a banana and a peanut butter sandwich before exercising, having my insulin completely suspended, I will still drop dramatically during exercise. I hate the idea of having to eat because of exercise, very frustrating. This week I’m going to try drinking Gatorade while I exercise- low cal but has some sugar so hopefully it will keep me in check. If you have Type 1, like me, how do you deal with lows while exercising?

In order to meet my weekly mile goal, I made sure I went to the gym every day, Sunday through Friday, including Thursday night and back Friday morning before the storm. I gave myself a much needed break on Saturday (doubt I made it over a mile). Today my joints are still pretty painful plus I have the added bonus of a methotrexate hangover but I’m hoping to meet my step goal by moving around my house. We’ll see!